Hibernate LazyInitializationException And p:selectCheckboxMenu

I had a simple Entity with a @oneToMany relationship.
Let’s call the Entity “Store” and the Entity of the relationship “Product”, obviously a Store has many Products.
When it comes to use selectCheckboxMenu with the input (update) of products, a bug arise “org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy – no Session”.
For some reason using the primefaces selectCheckboxMenu (or h:selectmanycheckbox of the slandered JSF components) would end the Session of the current transaction.
to solve this issue I had to supply the type of my collection to the component with attribute name=”collectionType”.
<p:selectCheckboxMenu > <f:attribute name="collectionType" value="java.util.ArrayList" /> <f:selectItems value="#{bean.getStoreProducts()}" var="product" itemLabel="#{product.name}" itemValue="#{product}" /> </p:selectCheckboxMenu>
it depends on your type of List if it’s a Set for example you can use java.util.HashSet instead of java.util.ArrayList.
I’ve been struggling half a day with that error. I don’t use primefaces but still got that error.
I’ve tried every LazyInitializationException-solution known to man (ViewFilters, Stateful beans, etc) evevry search said that it had to do with the Hibernate session.
All I wanted was to update the list via a simple JSF-form and selectManyCheckBox.
That little fixed everything!
Hi Hatem,
First of all, congrats for your blog. It looks interesting.
Related to this bug, it seems it has to do more with Mojarra rather than just Primefaces. Have a look to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8802854/lazyinitializationexception-with-cdi-managed-bean-and-stateful-session-bean and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028373/hibernate-replaced-persistentbag-with-arraylist-is-returned-back-again-in-the-sa
Just keep on the good work!
I imagined so, honestly I remember that this problem toke me a while to solve.
Anyway thanks for the comment, I’ll update the post.
Holy smokes!
I had that error.
I was trying to figure out what caused it for Two and a half days!
It almost drove me crazy. I couldn’t find it. It doesn’t make any sense to me.
Finally i found your solution. Thanks a ton!!!!
Thanks friend! You saved me!
Muito Obrigado!
Very simple tip and userfull. Works fine to my case.